Meet the CulTOUR Design consortium

INCDT, Romania

National Institute of Research and Development in Tourism – INCDT is the only research institution in the tourism field at national level, which is providing permanent specialised support in the territory.


Founded in 2009, INNETICA is a non-profit association whose mission is to promote cooperation between entities throughout Europe to promote European values, in accordance with article 2 of the Treaty on European Union

IRSIE, Poland

Instytut Rozwoju Sportu i Edukacji /Institute for the Development of Sport and Education/ (IRSIE) has been operating since 2011, focusing mainly on sport, physical culture, culture, heritage, education, tourism and recreation.

InnoPolis, Greece

INNOPOLIS CENTRE FOR INNOVATION AND CULTURE (InnoPolis) is a Non-Government Organization, Not for Profit, aiming at EU Integration.

HeartHands Solutions, Cyprus

HeartHands Solutions  is a dynamic consultancy offering a vast range of services bridging the gap between the commercial and public/EU funding ecosystems.

KOMICHA, Bulgaria

KOMICHA is an adult training centre based in Bulgaria and active in the field of informal education and training. It involves experienced personnel with expertise in tailor-made training opportunities for digital competencies and educational materials.

DigiCULT, Poland

DigiCULT is an IT organization, active in the areas of cultural heritage and cultural tourism taking initiatives that aim to safeguard cultural heritage and activate people towards the establishment of heritage and the transmission of culture to next generations.